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Meet The Band 




Joe Gore, a lover of music and classics. Who was always singing even when people didn’t want him to! Semi retired oil field worker, husband, father and grandfather with the love of mandolin and guitar.

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Coralee Gore

Double Bass, Vocals 

Coralee Gore, also a lover of music and classics. It's amazing, she never picked up an instrument sooner. Later in life she met her mentor and now friend Trisha Gagnon from The Jay Birds. Inspired her to become the upright bass player she is today. She started in 2011. She's also a loving wife, mother and grandmother.

Wayne Corner

Resonator Guitar and Guitar , Vocals 


Wayne Corner, Who has played coffee houses, is a songwriter, who has studied songwriting with karla Adolphe and guitar with Tim Williams and Dave Hamilton. A love or all kinds of music, husband, father and really loves the slide 

Gerry Madigan

Banjo, Vocals 

Born in Dublin, and weaned on Ireland’s vibrant folk scene, Gerry enjoyed an incredibly successful career with his band, The Cotton Mill Boys. This band was one of Ireland’s most popular bands on the live music circuit in Ireland and the UK, including American Airforce bases in England and Continental Europe. They had their own TV series, won Opportunity Knocks three times (similar to today’s American Idol), recorded 15 top selling albums and 25 singles. 

He left the music industry in the late eighties to pursue a career as a management consultant and keynote speaker on the international speakers’ circuit. During that time he wrote three top selling books – The Five Plateaus of Progress, The Agony of Ecstasy, and The TMI (Ten Minute Interview). His new book, Fluff Management (which deals with bullying in the workplace) will be published later this year. 

But now he is back to his first love – writing songs, recording them and playing them. Last year he released a solo album of all original material, Wild Bird, Fly Free. He was one of the pioneers of bluegrass music in Ireland, and now he is playing an eclectic mix of ‘bluesgrass’ music with The Spitzee Post Band. 



For My Solo CD (click link below)

 Gerry Madigan Bandcamp 


Darron Peardon


Born and raised in Calgary, Darron started playing fiddle at an

early age. He played with a number of groups and individuals

until his early 20’s, but wasn’t able to play regularly when his

business career kept him away.

After a number of relocations across the country, he moved back

to Alberta in 2011 and has rediscovered his passion for playing.

Darron’s musical infuences include Old-Time, Celtic, Down East

fiddle styles, and also Country fiddle.

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